Friday, December 14, 2012

How To Give With Your Heart

It is Christmas season. This is a time of giving. Not just a time to buy someone cards and a gift, one needs to give with their heart. That can be real difficult to give with your heart and can be quite challenging sometimes. We did some research and found some practical advice so you can give with your heart this holiday season not just with your pocket book.

How to Give Your Heart

Become a volunteer
 It could be anything from helping the homeless, collecting toys for abused children, or mentoring a teen. Remember to start gradually by volunteering one or two hours a week. This will help you learn to listen to others, and many of their stories will tug on your heartstrings. It will also help you contribute to a cause greater than yourself.

Compliment others
 So often, people will focus on negatives. It can be a struggle to look for the good in people. Take the time to compliment at least one person a day. If you are not sure what to say, sit down and write a list of compliments. Think about what would make you feel good. You could compliment someone on a nice outfit, a new haircut that looks great, losing weight, or for an accomplishment. Other people will remember your sincerity. It could also help spark a meaningful conversation.

Remember Important Information
Grab a paper and pencil to jot down notes about your friends. Include anything that may be important to remember, such as kids names, hobbies, interests, and favorite food. It's a good idea to keep those notes near your calender so you can remember birthdays and anniversaries. This will help you stay aware of what your friends and family are concentrating on at home. Ask them for an update from time to time. And don't forget to give them a brief update about your life. Remember to focus on positives. Even if you are going through a difficult time, find something positive you can share. If others are going through a hard time, be a good listener.

Remember Important Dates
Keep a list of friends and families birthdays and send them a card in the mail. (Do not send an e-card). If you have a busy schedule, purchase the cards at the beginning of each month and get them ready to go with addresses and stamps. That way, all you will have to focus on, is sending them out. It not only shows that you remembered their birthday, but you can feel good about helping make someone feel special.

Start a Journal

 Every night, write down three things or people you are thankful for, and why. Also write one thing you did to go out of your way to help another person. It's like the old saying, "Count your blessings." The reason this is so important is because it helps you remember what makes life special. It helps fill your heart with love and joy for people in your life who make a positive difference. It will also help you record your journey and reminds you to make an effort to share your life and open your heart.

Read Some Magazines

Although it helps you learn something new, the articles are not for your personal benefit. Remember what interests your friends and familly. When you find an article they may find interesting, clip it and give it to them. Read the article first, so you can explain why you thought they would enjoy it. This will show you are truly interested in making others happy, and they are more likely to return the favor.

Pick Up Litter
Grab a trash bag and pick up litter around your neighborhood. It doesn't sound like this would help your heart, but it does. It helps you feel connected to your community. Your neighbors will be thankful for the good deed, and may even join you. At the very least, it will help you feel better about doing something good, even when no one is looking.

Smile At Everyone
 Smile at the man the car who just cut you off. Smile at the clerk in the grocery store. Smile at the police officer who just gave you a ticket. Opening your heart is about a complete change in your attitude. No matter what is happening in your life, find a reason to smile and share it with others. People are more likely to come up and share their lives when you are happy with yours

Read more: How to Open Up Your Heart |

A big thanks goes to ehow for the simple and practical ways that we can start to open our heart and give to others. If you would like to contact me with any question or feedback, you can reach me by email.

Thank you for visiting us!
Joseph A. Jones

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